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游览班芙国家公园 (露易丝湖, 梦莲湖, 十峰山谷), 幽鹤国家公园 (翡翠湖)。
游览恐龙谷 (小教堂, 皇家泰利博物馆, 星矿吊桥), 马蹄峡谷。
游览班芙国家公园 (弓湖, 哥伦比亚冰原, 乌鸦爪冰川, 佩多湖), 贾斯珀国家公园 (冰原观景大道)。
游览班芙市, 班芙国家公园 (硫磺山缆车道, 弓河瀑布, 魔鬼岩, 约翰斯顿峡谷, 惊喜角)。
游览班芙国家公园 (班芙上温泉, 露易丝湖观光缆车, 露易丝湖滑雪场, 明尼旺卡湖, 雪上飞碟).
Sugar Shack Maple Syrup Tour (All year round)
Visit the oldest industrial city in Canada - Trois-Rivières and have a traditional French-Canadian style meal in one of the most popular Sugar Shacks Cabin- Chez Dany. Almost every dish is bathed in maple syrup: ham, baked beans, sausages, eggs, and pancakes. Enjoy their hospitality and conviviality with the delicious food and the beautiful Quebec's traditional music!