落基山脉的国家公园群位于加拿大西南部的艾伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省,包括贾斯伯, 班芙, 幽鹤, 库特尼 4个国家公园,汉帕,罗布森,阿西尼伯因3个省立公园,是世界上面积最大的国家公园.
Trip was great and memorable.Reasonable price for the trip.Seat rotation is fair.Tom is informative about the place.Accommodation is good.Stop and breaks good timing.Overall it's wonderful tour.Absolutely I can recommend this trip.
The trip is wonderful and smooth. Our tour leader, Adam, is informative and helpful, and ensure the team is intact and on time to meet with the tight schedule. Seat rotation is fair. Break for lunch and toilet is appropriate. I strongly recommend this tour to anyone.