去旅游网 > 美国 > 美国西海岸 > 加利福尼亚州 > 洛杉矶 > 7日游-黄石公园-羚羊峡谷-总统巨石(洛杉矶/拉斯维加斯出发,盐湖城/拉斯维加斯离团)

7日游-黄石公园-羚羊峡谷-总统巨石(洛杉矶/拉斯维加斯出发,盐湖城/拉斯维加斯离团) 线路代码:  886-19683

游览黄石公园, 羚羊峡谷, 总统巨石, 大提顿国家公园, 疯马山, 魔鬼塔, 佩吉市, 盐湖城。
  • 黄石体验: 游览黄石公园十二大景点
  • 自然与文化奇观: 3 个国家公园和 2 个山体雕塑,自然奇观与文化遗产相互交融
  • 历史和自然爱好者之旅: 生动展现美国美丽土地和丰富的历史文化
  • 可升级至轻奢小团: 最多14人一团,让您的长途旅行更加舒适
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  • Qian

  • Our our guide was Mr. Chen (Xiao Chen) and driver (Lao Wong). Both very professional and friendly. Very accommodating making everyone in the whole tour group feel respected and treat each other like family. This was a very well organized and managed tour. Would recommend to anyone who is interested or just had not visited these wonders of the world. Thank you!
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  • Qian

  • Our tour guide was "Xiao Chen" and driver "Lao Wong," both very friendly and professional. They were very accommodating making the whole tour group feel and treat each other with respect and care, like a family. This trip was very well planned and if you had not visited these wonders of the world, I suggest you go on this tour and with these tour guidances specifically!
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  • Chinmay

  • Hi, Our tour guide Bill Chen was awesome! He made our trip very memorable. We covered all spots in time and the management was really good :)
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  • Bal

  • Tour Code: 773-402, dated 5/28/22-5/24/22, 7-day tour to Yellowstone bought from Taketours. Taketours- company who sold the tour to us. CTour- company who supplies the bus, driver and tour guide. The first day, 5/18/22, of the tour with CTour was rough, the CTour bus engine dies every time the driver put her into gears. We were delayed 3 1/2 hours waiting for bus a change. We arrived at St George Utah after 8 PM. All restaurants closes at 8 PM. The Red Lyon hotel put us on the second floor but the hotel did not have an elevator. Was very hard for older tourists like me to bring up heavy luggages to the 2nd floor. On the 2nd day, 5/19/22, we first went Antelope Valley. While in Antelope Valley, my friend asked the CTour guide, Beau, when were we leaving for Bryce Canyon but Beau said Bryce Canyon was not in the itinerary but Horseshoe Bend was. This was major discrepancy between Taketours that sold us the tour and CTour that service the actual tour. This was also a major disappointments for our group of 13 people who bought from Taketour that advertised for Bryce Canyon but we did not go there. Why were the itineraries between Taketours and CTour not synchronized? Customers like me felt betrayed. We stayed on 3 hotels that did have elevators, ask for first floor accommodations if you have problems bringing up your heavy luggages to the second floor. The seats rotated every 2 days, for just a 7 days tour, the seats should be rotated everyday so more people will experience sitting in front of the bus. Other than the above observations, the rest of the tour were okay. Beau, CTour tour guide, was good and helpful as well as the bus driver who handled our luggages in and out of the bus every morning and afternoon, drove us to places on time.
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  • Sanjiv

  • I recommend this tour. I went with my spouse. Covered beautiful landscape of almost entire western coast.It covers all the places mentioned in the itinerary. I wished my Guide - Bill was little strict with latecomers and cleanliness. All hotel accommodations were good. Vegetarians had fewer options at the Bus stops. we had ordered Veg items from Subway,Domino,Pizza hut and also Veg fried rice/noodles at Chinese restaurant. And also our driver Davee was very skilled. Also note, location description by guide is in Chinese and English.
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