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去旅游网 > 美国 > 美国东海岸 > 尼亚加拉瀑布




    4日美东豪华游-尼亚加拉瀑布-纽约-波士顿 (华盛顿出发,全程4星级酒店)

    Our tour was good. Our tour guide was Sammy and he was great. He would always explain the area we were in and the history and other cool information about the area. He also cracked a lot of jokes and was really great overall. The hotels were not 4 stars but 3 stars so they are misleading with those. Other than that we did have a good time. P.S. When you get the lobster dinner, make sure you ask for the lobster rolls instead of the whole lobster[?] .

