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Chinese Medicine Conference, Next Sunday
已发布 on 2002-05-28 18:53:37 EST
Boston Chinese Medicine Conference

Time: June 9, 2002, Sunday 12pm-6pm
Place: Harvard Medical School, Building C, Cannon Room
260 Longwood Ave, Boston

CME (Xuefen): 6 Fee: Free for MSTCM members, $60 for others
Sponsor: Mass Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MSTCM)

12:00 – 12:30 Registration
12:30- 2:00 The Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine
Dr. Guoping Zheng, PhD, Lic.Ac

2:00-2:30 Break

2:30 –4:00 The Toxicity and Adverse Reaction of Herbal Medicine
Dr. Yongming Li, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Lic.Ac

4:00 –6:00 Discussion

Contact: Dr. Li 617-3237809
Dr. Zhang 617-9264271 X206
Dr. Zhang 617-2644577
e-mail: qzhang@hms.harvard.edu