

去旅游网 > 关于我们 > New e-commerce version replaced the virtual vending machine
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New e-commerce version replaced the virtual vending machine
On December 1, 1999, we officially shutdown our Virtual Vending Machine - the 1st version of IvyMedia's ecommerce solution. However, users who have accounts with that version still can check their records for some time.

Now our new version is up and running. This new version does not require a separate site for agent/frequent customers. You come to our website, add items to your shopping cart, checkout by charging to your account (login, password).

At checkout time, you may change the name and email address for us to deliver the items in your shopping cart.

We offer discount at each sale because we will add new items which will carry different discount rates. We will credit the discount to your account once it accumulates over $20. The uncredit discount is maintained in your account for your reference.

Please contact support@ivymedia.com if you need additional assitance.