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New bus services from Allentown to New York begins today - Allentown Morning Call
已发布 by amyv on 2009-10-12 10:05:49 EST

A new bus service from Allentown to New York City begins today.

GotoBus.com partner Sky Line Bus will operate a daily service that leaves Allentown at 10 p.m. from 215 W. Hamilton Street and arrives around midnight at Allen and Canal Streets in New York's Chinatown.

Service from New York leaves at 7 p.m. and arrives in Allentown at 9 p.m.

Amy Veiga, marketing and sales manager for GotoBus.com, based in Cambridge, Mass., said a similar service from Allentown to New York was discontinued several years ago but a recent effort to identify new markets focused on the city.

GotoBus.com provides service to New York from other Pennsylvania cities, including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and State College.

A one-way ticket is $15. A round-trip purchase over the Internet is $28. For more information, go to http://www.gotobus.com.