去旅游网 > 加拿大 > 温哥华 > 三文鱼回流-摘苹果一日游(温哥华出发)

三文鱼回流-摘苹果一日游(温哥华出发) 线路代码:  233-9878

餐食: 不包含
早上乘车沿卑诗省最长的河流-菲莎河东行,先到在Mission以东的Inch Creek Hatchery寻找身长超过两公尺的鲟龙鱼。然后前往威化溪观看三文鱼回流盛况。每年10月数以万计的三文鱼都会拚命游回其出生地产卵,盛况空前,蔚为其观(视开放情况)。接着前往夏里逊温泉湖。午饭后参观著名蜜糖厂,卑诗省出产的蜜糖为世界上纯度最高之一的产地,并可品尝及选购十数种花蜜和天然蜂胶。最后在Abbotsford著名的苹果园采摘新鲜苹果。
  • 哈里逊温泉 (Harrison Hot Springs, BC)

参团城市 出发地点 出发时间 返回时间
列治文 3700 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6X 2C1 7:30am 6:00pm
温哥华 5812 Cambie St & W 42nd Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 3A8 (In front of Scotia bank - Vancouver, BC) 7:45am 6:00pm
备注:由于改站点附近正在道路维修,将在同样时间改往6400 Cambie St.Vancouver,BC V6M 2N4接车
温哥华 4538 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC BC V5H 2B1 (Crystal Mall - Burnaby, BC) 8:10am 6:00pm
温哥华 1301 Lougheed Hwy, Coquitlam, BC V3K 6S4 8:30am 6:00pm
素里 15269 104 Ave, Surrey, BC (Sheraton Guildford Hotel) 9:00am 6:00pm



  • 全程空调巴士
  • 导游 (广东话/普通话/英语)(二级:半自助导游)


  • 小费(每人每天支付CAD$15)
  • YVR机场接送小费 (每人每程CAD $6).
  • 5%税费(订购时计入总价)
  • 机票
  • 膳食,酒水 (导游只负责安排)
  • 任何私人性质费用


  • 在预定信息提交后,您将立刻收到一封预约订单收据邮件。在提交后的72小时内,您将收到一封订单状态确认邮件。在收到订单状态确认邮件前请不要预定飞机票。


  • 网上预订后,您将会收到一封“确认邮件”——内附完整的使用说明,包括目的地的当地电话等。当您确定后,请务必打印该“确认邮件”,并在旅途中随身携带——这是您已付款的证据。


  • test test
  • Booking changes
    A fee may be charged for any revision or alteration made to a reservation after the booking is confirmed. Name changes or corrections may be treated as a cancellation and cancellation fees will apply. A change of tour date or tour itinerary may be treated as a cancellation, and normal cancellation fees will apply.
  • Cancellations and Cancellation Fees
    Regardless of the reason, cancellations result in costly charges from our travel and hotel providers covering penalties and fees incurred by canceling confirmed and pending bookings. Therefore, cancellation penalties and or fees will apply. The time of cancellation will be determined when our office receives and confirms the notice. Notice of cancellation must be made directly to Taketours by email or through web mail at Contact Us.
  • Cancellation penalties per person are as follows:(Notification day and departure day are not counted)
    31 days or more before departure - a $50/per person penalty will be charged.
    21 - 30 days before departure - 50% of the total purchase amount
    8 - 20 days before departure - 75% of the total purchase amount
    0 - 7 days before departure - 100% of the total purchase amount
    Unused features are non-refundable. No-shows forfeit the entire payment.
    The refund amount will be credited directly to your TakeTours wallet as credits for future use. The refund can also be forwarded directly to your credit card with a 6% handling fee.
  • Itinerary Variations
    We constantly strive to improve tour itineraries and features. If such improvements can be made or unforeseen circumstances beyond our control make changes necessary, we reserve the right to vary itineraries and substitute hotels. At certain peak periods, duplicate departures may operate, and sometimes in reverse order in which case hotels may vary from those stated on the itinerary pages.
  • Tour Cancellation:
    We reserve the right to cancel or re-schedule any tour departure in accordance with operating requirements or circumstances beyond our control. If cancellation is made any time prior to departure of the tour, Taketour's only liability will be to refund to the passenger the amount it has received for the tour booking. We will try to re-book the same or similar tour. Please note that we are not liable for any cancellation penalties incurred on any other travel arrangements including air tickets purchased separately from customers.
    We are not responsible for any other travel arrangements affected due to our cancellations.
  • Fairmont Banff Spring Hotel Upgrade:
    Fairmont Chateau upgrade costs vary. We'll confirm the final price with the hotel.
  • Price Flexibility:
    Rates may change due to availability. We'll suggest alternatives within one business day if needed.
  • Child Pricing:
    Kids under 12 sharing with 2 adults (no extra bed) get special rates
  • Infant/Child Seating:
    All children need a bus seat. Please include them in your initial booking.


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    2. 照片需小于10M
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1 出发日期:
成人 儿童
3出发: 查看地图